More ways to give

Corporate employee matching gift programs

Corporate matching gift programs are charitable giving programs set up by corporations in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible charitable organizations, including Operation Eyesight. 

Thousands of companies offer matching gift programs, and the impact of these programs can be substantial. We know many of our donors work for companies with matching gift programs, and we encourage you to check with your employer to see if they can match your donation. Doing so will enable us to restore sight and prevent blindness for even more deserving people in Africa and India! See if your employer will match your donation.


Starting October 12th and continuing for six weeks from then, for each bag of Rukira coffee you buy from any Phil & Sebastian Calgary location, $5 will be donated to Operation Eyesight to support our eyesight-saving work in Kenya.

Donate A Car Canada

They accept vehicle donations for Operation Eyesight. When you donate your RV, boat, motorcycle or other vehicle, we’ll send you a tax receipt within 45 days.

Contacts for less

Order your contact lenses online and Contacts For Less will donate 51% of the profits to Operation Eyesight when you choose “Operation Eyesight” as your charity of choice during checkout. Remember to always check with your eye doctor before ordering contact lenses.

Aeroplan Miles

Donate your miles to Operation Eyesight to help offset the cost of travel and other expenses.


If you sign up and designate Operation Eyesight as your cause, every web search you make will help support us.

Amazon Smile

If you shop at, you can designate Operation Eyesight as your charity of choice through Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to us.

send a free awareness ecard

Operation Eyesight relies on people like you to spread the word about avoidable blindness and its devastating impact on children, women and men in countries around the world. Telling a friend or family member why you support Operation Eyesight is a great way to help save sight!

See the best ways to help