Donate and change lives today!

Operation Eyesight enjoys the support of people from all over the world. For the convenience of our supporters in the United States, we’re registered as Operation Eyesight™ USA and maintain an address in Seattle.

Donors from the United States can make their gift in a number of ways:

1) ONLINE using, a secure service based in the United States. Using this method, your donation will be safely transferred to Operation Eyesight. Make a one-time donation or a monthly donation.



2) BY TELEPHONE. Using this method, you can receive an acknowledgement for your US donation over $20. Call toll-free in the continental United States: 1-800-585-8265.

3) BY MAIL. Using this method, you can receive an acknowledgement for your US donation over $20. Make your check payable to Operation Eyesight USA and mail to:

Operation Eyesight USA
Suite 271 PMB 35, Seattle, WA 98168-4654
Operation Eyesight USA is a registered charity in the United States.
Registration # 20-2682468

For more information, please Contact Us.